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accessInformation: NOAA Fisheries Social Sciences Branch & Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: This is a single data set from a larger study. The full study is titled "Socio-Economic Impact of Outer Continental Shelf Wind Energy Development on Fishing in the U.S. Atlantic". Each quarter square km (500 m) cell has been summed for the mean correlated economic value over the six year period analyzed (2007-2012). This information was created for each state, gear type, Fishery Management Plan (FMP), top 30 exposed ports and top 30 exposed species. This was calculated using Vessel Trip Reports (VTR), Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) which estimates radial distance within which fishing activity is likely to occur, and a 500 m raster cell output. The raster data shown here is a summation of all the state revenues by all gear types and all species. The mean annual revenue value for all years is represented for the entire area. The data is classified in the legend first by using a Natural Breaks algorithm for 8 classes, and then by reclassifying those results to the closest 50, 100, or 1000 interval. The value is in US dollars for 2012 representing the sum of the mean values for all six years, and then classified into one of the 8 classes. You may still hover over the raster value in ArcGIS if map tips are turned on, to get the value of each cell.
title: Atlantic Fishing Revenue Intensity, 2007-2012
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0