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Service Description: This Map Service contains many of the primary data types created by both the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) within the Department of Interior (DOI) for the purpose of managing offshore federal real estate leases for oil, gas and renewable energy. These data layers are being made available as REST mapping services for the purpose of web viewing and map overlay viewing in GIS systems. Due to re-projection issues which occur when converting multiple UTM zone data to a single national or regional projected space, and line type changes that occur when converting from UTM to geographic projections, these data layers should not be used for official or legal purposes. Only the original data found within BOEM/BSEE’s official internal database, federal register notices or official paper or pdf map products may be considered as the official information or mapping products used by BOEM or BSEE. A variety of data layers are represented within this REST service are described further below. These and other cadastre information the BOEM and BSEE produces are generated in accordance with 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 256.8 to support Federal land ownership and mineral resource management. For more information - Contact: Division Chief, Geospatial Services Division, BOEM, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 Telephone (703) 787-1312; Email: The REST services for National Level Data can be found here: REST services for regional level data can be found by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Individual Regional Data or in depth metadata for download can be obtained in ESRI Shape file format by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Currently the following layers are available from this REST location: OCS Drilling Platforms, OCS Oil and Natural Gas Wells, OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines, Unofficial State Lateral Boundaries, BOEM OCS Administrative Boundaries, BOEM Limit of OCSLA 8(g) zone, Submerged Lands Act Boundary, BOEM OCS Protraction Diagrams and Leasing Maps, BOEM OCS Lease Blocks, BOEM Block Aliquots, BOEM Oil and Gas Leases, Proposed Final OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2012-2017, BOEM Oil and Gas Planning Areas, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 2010 Vessel Traffic (AIS), 2009 Vessel Traffic (AIS), OCS Proposed Final Program Areas 2017-2022, Atlantic Fishing Revenue Intensity, 2007-2012.
Map Name: MMC_Layers
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Description: This Map Service contains many of the primary data types created by both the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) within the Department of Interior (DOI) for the purpose of managing offshore federal real estate leases for oil, gas and renewable energy. These data layers are being made available as REST mapping services for the purpose of web viewing and map overlay viewing in GIS systems. Due to re-projection issues which occur when converting multiple UTM zone data to a single national or regional projected space, and line type changes that occur when converting from UTM to geographic projections, these data layers should not be used for official or legal purposes. Only the original data found within BOEM/BSEE’s official internal database, federal register notices or official paper or pdf map products may be considered as the official information or mapping products used by BOEM or BSEE. A variety of data layers are represented within this REST service are described further below. These and other cadastre information the BOEM and BSEE produces are generated in accordance with 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 256.8 to support Federal land ownership and mineral resource management. For more information - Contact: Division Chief, Geospatial Services Division, BOEM, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 Telephone (703) 787-1312; Email: The REST services for National Level Data can be found here: REST services for regional level data can be found by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Individual Regional Data or in depth metadata for download can be obtained in ESRI Shape file format by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Currently the following layers are available from this REST location: OCS Drilling Platforms, OCS Oil and Natural Gas Wells, OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines, Unofficial State Lateral Boundaries, BOEM OCS Administrative Boundaries, BOEM Limit of OCSLA 8(g) zone, Submerged Lands Act Boundary, BOEM OCS Protraction Diagrams and Leasing Maps, BOEM OCS Lease Blocks, BOEM Block Aliquots, BOEM Oil and Gas Leases, Proposed Final OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2012-2017, BOEM Oil and Gas Planning Areas, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 2010 Vessel Traffic (AIS), 2009 Vessel Traffic (AIS), OCS Proposed Final Program Areas 2017-2022, Atlantic Fishing Revenue Intensity, 2007-2012.
Copyright Text: BOEM, BSEE
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -185.04468080063273
YMin: 14.658085020303496
XMax: -65.36852674614616
YMax: 75.99774490895817
Spatial Reference: 4269
Full Extent:
XMin: -180
YMin: 0
XMax: 180
YMax: 74.99639892578129
Spatial Reference: 4269
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: National Scale Marine Mineral Cadastre Map Server
Comments: This Map Service contains many of the primary data types created by both the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) within the Department of Interior (DOI) for the purpose of managing offshore federal real estate leases for oil, gas and renewable energy. These data layers are being made available as REST mapping services for the purpose of web viewing and map overlay viewing in GIS systems. Due to re-projection issues which occur when converting multiple UTM zone data to a single national or regional projected space, and line type changes that occur when converting from UTM to geographic projections, these data layers should not be used for official or legal purposes. Only the original data found within BOEM/BSEE’s official internal database, federal register notices or official paper or pdf map products may be considered as the official information or mapping products used by BOEM or BSEE. A variety of data layers are represented within this REST service are described further below. These and other cadastre information the BOEM and BSEE produces are generated in accordance with 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 256.8 to support Federal land ownership and mineral resource management. For more information - Contact: Division Chief, Geospatial Services Division, BOEM, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 Telephone (703) 787-1312; Email: The REST services for National Level Data can be found here: REST services for regional level data can be found by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Individual Regional Data or in depth metadata for download can be obtained in ESRI Shape file format by clicking on the region of interest from the following URL: Currently the following layers are available from this REST location: OCS Drilling Platforms, OCS Oil and Natural Gas Wells, OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines, Unofficial State Lateral Boundaries, BOEM OCS Administrative Boundaries, BOEM Limit of OCSLA 8(g) zone, Submerged Lands Act Boundary, BOEM OCS Protraction Diagrams and Leasing Maps, BOEM OCS Lease Blocks, BOEM Block Aliquots, BOEM Oil and Gas Leases, Proposed Final OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2012-2017, BOEM Oil and Gas Planning Areas, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 2010 Vessel Traffic (AIS), 2009 Vessel Traffic (AIS), OCS Proposed Final Program Areas 2017-2022, Atlantic Fishing Revenue Intensity, 2007-2012.
Subject: The Marine Mineral Cadastre contains many of the primary data types created by both the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) within the Department of Interior (DOI) for the purpose of managing offshore federal real estate leases for oil, gas and renewable energy.
Keywords: Offshore,Cadastre,Official Protraction Diagram,SOBD,Outer Continental Shelf,OCS,Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,BOEM,Oil,Gas,Renewable Energy; Leases,Pipelines,Platforms,Wells,Planning Areas,Administrative Areas,Supplemental Official Block Diagrams,OCS Blocks; Place: Atlantic Ocean,Pacific Ocean,Gulf of America,Alaska,United States,USA
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 10000
MaxImageHeight: 2048
MaxImageWidth: 2048
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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