Weibel 17 year average wind speed for Hawaii. Portioned out by BOEM Aliquots (original points). Modeled for polygon output by BOEM geographers. |
Weibel 17 year average wind speed for Hawaii. Portioned out by BOEM Aliquots (original points). Modeled for polygon output by BOEM geographers. |
[[-162.509025000167,18.0412924011231],[-153.910651263428,23.5523320309997]] |
U.S Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. |
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1.7976931348623157E308 |
["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"] |
The offshore wind statistics geodatabase was created by aggregating two wind speed data sources into a hybrid database that captures the time varying component and the verified statistical wind speed parameters for each BOEM aliquot in the Hawaii offshore region. The geodatabase consists of 12 layers representing hourly wind speed and Weibull statistics for each month, one layer representing the annual variation of the wind, and a polygon layer showing the aliquot locations. The new geodatabase for Hawaii extends the data to 50 nautical miles from shore. For the Hawaii offshore region, modeled mean wind speed data on an approximately 2-km grid were provided by Vaisala/3TIER, a renewable energy consulting firm. Each 1.2-km BOEM aliquot grid cell was assigned a mean wind speed that corresponds to the nearest 2-km Vaisala grid cell representing the majority of its area. The time-varying component of wind speed was calculated by analyzing the nearest MERRA 17-year time-series record. The Weibull parameters were estimated from the MERRA wind speeds by computing the parameters of a Weibull distribution that has the same mean speed and wind energy as the observed MERRA data. These parameters were then scaled to match the Vaisala wind speeds assigned to each 1.2-km aliquot. This process created a long-term, monthly, and hourly (by month and for the whole 17-year period) Weibull representation of the 17-year wind speed for each aliquot. The resulting dataset is intended to provide broad estimates of wind speed variation for the purposes of identifying possible good wind energy sites. It is not intended to provide estimates of possible energy production for the purpose of making offshore wind project investment or financing decisions in specific locations. Explanation of Attributes: Results in the geodatabase are reported on the existing 1.2 km x 1.2 km aliquot grid defined by BOEM for the Hawaii offshore region. Wind speed statistics are reported at the center point of each aliquot grid, but represent the mean values over the entire area of each grid cell. The hybrid MERRA/AWST data set delivered to BOEM is a geodatabase consisting of one layer for the long-term statistics, one layer for each month, and one polygon layer of aliquots covered by the data. The long-term shapefile includes mean wind speed and Weibull parameters to capture the long-term wind speed distribution of the entire 17-year MERRA time series. Each monthly shapefile contains mean wind speed and Weibull parameters for that month overall and for each hour of the day within that month. All times are in HST (UTC-10). Source:s National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401. Phone: 303-275-3000. NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. |
These data layers are available for the purpose of web viewing and map overlay viewing in GIS systems. Due to re-projection issues which occur when converting multiple UTM zone data to a single national or regional projected space, and line type changes that occur when converting from UTM to geographic projections, these data layers should not be used for official or legal purposes. Only the original data found within BOEM/BSEE’s official internal database, federal register notices or official paper or pdf map products may be considered as the official information or mapping products used by BOEM or BSEE. These and other cadastre information the BOEM and BSEE produces are generated in accordance with 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 256.8 to support Federal land ownership and mineral resource management. For more information - Contact: Division Chief, Geospatial Services Division, BOEM, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 Telephone (703) 787-1312; Email: |
Hawaii_Monthly_Offshore_Wind_Speed |
Map Service |
["Wind","Renewable Energy","Hawaii","USA"] |
en-US |
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