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snippet: BOEM's deepwater Gulf of Mexico bathymetry grid.
summary: BOEM's deepwater Gulf of Mexico bathymetry grid.
extent: [[-96.6757383740357,25.7545916526416],[-84.8871402835316,29.4068218442184]]
accessInformation: William Shedd ( and Kody Kramer (, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Office of Resource Evaluation, New Orleans, LA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: BOEM's deepwater Gulf of Mexico bathymetry grid. Created by mosaicking over 100 3D seismic surveys. XY grid size is 40ft and depth is in feet. Depth accurate to 0.1% (one-tenth of one-percent) of water depth in most places. Depth accuracy decreases slightly when approaching minimum (-200ft) and maximum (-11,000ft) depth extents due to the nature of the depth transformation method used. BOEM thanks the following companies for allowing BOEM use of their data to create this new map: CGG Services (U.S.) Inc., Houston, TX; Exxon; Geophysical Pursuit; PGS; Seitel; TGS; and WesternGeco, LLC.
licenseInfo: These data layers are available for the purpose of web viewing and map overlay viewing in GIS systems. Due to re-projection issues which occur when converting multiple UTM zone data to a single national or regional projected space, and line type changes that occur when converting from UTM to geographic projections, these data layers should not be used for official or legal purposes. Only the original data found within BOEM/BSEE’s official internal database, federal register notices or official paper or pdf map products may be considered as the official information or mapping products used by BOEM or BSEE. These and other cadastre information the BOEM and BSEE produces are generated in accordance with 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 256.8 to support Federal land ownership and mineral resource management. For more information - Contact: Division Chief, Geospatial Services Division, BOEM, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 Telephone (703) 787-1312; Email:
title: GOM_Deepwater_Bathymetry_and_Hillshade_Tiled
type: Map Service
tags: ["BOEM","bathy","bathymetry","deepwater","Gulf of Mexico","seafloor","seismic surveys"]
culture: en-US
name: GOM_Deepwater_Bathymetry_and_Hillshade_Tiled
guid: D487B725-1B49-4C9F-8511-D0235061F2FD
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere